UCT is committed to supporting both students and staff to ensure they reach their potential. This includes providing access to resources, ongoing support and rewarding success.

Financial Aid infographic

For students

UCT aims for a more diverse student and graduate profile that is representative of the population with higher proportions of black, socio-economically disadvantaged and disabled students.

UCT works to continue to improve educational and psychosocial support for students and to address the unequal schooling of students in a manner that avoids stigmatisation and labelling.

What we are doing

  • Reviewing the academic programme, the academic calendar, the curriculum and assessments to address obstacles to academic success.
  • Increasing financial aid, including aid for students who do not qualify for NSFAS support.
  • Growing the student housing pool by securing off-campus private residences and building a new residence.
  • Addressing student hunger through a task team on food security.
  • Enhancing the university’s mental health policy with additional services, including advocacy and awareness, and investigating the inclusion of traditional practices.

A-Z of Student Inclusion

The A-Z of student inclusion

Resources on transformation, inclusivity and diversity

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