
The University of Cape Town’s (UCT) infrastructure development not unlike other higher education institutions has emphasised the design and realisation of appropriate and innovative places and spaces for teaching and learning, research, operations in support of the academic project, student accommodation, food services, and social engagements. That is why today, the emphasis is on providing an enabling environment for teaching and learning, and research that is fit for purpose now and in the future.

The University of the Future (UoF) Project proposes that a future centred roadmap is critical for the University to develop the physical environment, social and community spaces and other enabling structures, processes, and technologies necessary to attract and inspire  staff and students in a transformative future. The UoF engaging, internally and externally with the broader community, in collaboration with the three spheres of government (local, provincial, and national) aims to  play a significant role in driving inclusive and transformative socio-economic development. That frame the design and realisation of places and spaces (language, names, symbols, artworks, and identity) that reflect the livelihoods, aesthetics, aspirations and vision of the University and its differentiated and diverse community. With the possibility of UCT student numbers growing and an increasing global reputation and brand, it is imperative that we place the student, staff, alumni and the experience of the friends of UCT at the heart of everything we do.


The vision is to create an enabling environment to unleash human potential for a fair and just society.


To create enabling places, spaces, services, and functions for the future of the University of Cape Town.


The University of the Future (UoF) is a strategic project, approved and supported by Council. The project aims to create a modern, vibrant and striking University of Cape Town (UCT) campus, designed to attract staff and student talent, local businesses, donors, industry interest and the broader community. The project also aims to create enhanced formal learning and social spaces, well-planned for food outlets, as well as shared spaces for improved community engagement, as UCT works toward the goals of Vision 2030 and beyond.

Project Steering Committee

The project steering committee is chaired by Professor Salome Maswime, the head of the Global Surgery Division from our Faculty of Health Sciences with Mr Richard Perez, the director of the Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika serving as deputy chair. The committee has wide representation from across our university – including academic staff; professional, administrative and support service (PASS) staff; unions; executives; and the Students’ Representative Council – as well as the broader Cape Town community. This diverse committee will advise the UCT executive on the future of places and spaces at UCT.


The UoF project will deliver a strategic roadmap to meet the changing physical requirements of the academic project and operations in support of UCT’s vision and mission. In centring the academic project, the outputs of the project are intended to be a catalyst with regards to the:

  1. development of new buildings;
  2. restoration of heritage buildings;
  3. repurposing and repairing of existing buildings by using new concepts around the nature of places, environments, artworks, technology and programs.

Project Timeline

The two-phased project officially launched to the UCT community on 31 May 2023.

Phase one will run from May to November 2023 and includes the launch of the project to the UCT community, as well as hosting several co-creation project workshops. The workshops will be open to all staff and students who would like to submit projects for consideration and to possibly receive funding. During phase one the steering committee will also be meeting with other project implementation committees to see how and if those could be incorporated into the UoF project. Phase one will close with a call for projects, and a select number of those will then be exhibited to the UCT community. Criteria for project submissions will be shared through Campus Announcements.

Phase two of the project will run from November 2023 to May 2024. During this phase a number of projects will be selected to receive funding, and to be executed.

The University of the Future committee can be contacted via The committee endeavours to answer all correspondence within one working week.

The project was officially launched on Wednesday, 31 May 2023 at the Hasso Plattner d-school.

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